Writeup by the_one_and_only_az for Surface


November 15, 2023

We are given two files, surface.py and output.txt. Here is the relevant part:

def encrypt(n):
	IV = os.urandom(16)
	FLAG = open("flag.txt", "rb").read()

	k = int.to_bytes(n, 32, "big")
	aes = AES.new(k, AES.MODE_CBC, iv = IV)
	ctxt = aes.encrypt(pad(FLAG, 16))
	output = {
		"iv": IV.hex(),
		"ciphertext": ctxt.hex(),
	return output

if __name__ == "__main__":
		a = Fraction(input(">>> a = "))
		b = Fraction(input(">>> b = "))

		c = a**2 + b**2
		assert gmpy2.is_square(c.numerator)
		assert gmpy2.is_square(c.denominator)
		assert a * b == 20478 # 2*3*3413

		n = int(gmpy2.isqrt(c.numerator))

		output = encrypt(n)

		print("Error: check your inputs.")

We have to find two rationals a and b such that:

The first thing one can think of are pythagorean triples. There are known rational parameterization for those, and we could check whether a given triple gives ab = N. However, it soon becomes clear this is not the way (it would be too easy!): there are too many parameters to bruteforce on, and there’s no guarrantee the solution triple is anywhere close to 0. Substituting b = N/a in the parameterizations also doesn’t help, it gives some very ugly expressions.


No, we have to go back to the basics. To solve this chall, I applied a somewhat general method:

This is only a loose guideline and it’s fine not to follow it in many cases. It led me to a lot of dead ends before giving a solution (delving too deep into the discriminants rabbitholes, not noticing possible parameterizations soon enough leading to complicated expressions which were difficult to apply initial conditions on, etc…), so I’ll present here only the path that worked.

We basically want to simplify the equations we have enough so that we can find a rational parameterization of and , then restrict the parameter so that our expressions for the squares are actually rational squares.

First things first, let us rewrite the problem as a system of polynomials:

We are looking for generators of the zero-locus of these polynomials. It’s expected we will run into some kind of algebraic curve at some point, hence the name of the challenge.

The obvious first manipulation is substituting y = N/x into the first equation, yielding x⁴ - z²x² + N² = 0. This can be seen as a degree 2 polynomial in , so we define its determinant D² = z⁴ - 4N². Notice how we expressed it as a squared number: we absolutely want the square root of the discriminant to be rational if x is to be rational.

Now the fourth power of z is frustrating; we can get rid of it by substituting D = d + z². The equation becomes 2dz² + d² + 4N² = 0.

This is becoming a mess already! Let us Gröbner it to hell and back.

Q.<x, y, z, d, D> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order='lex')
I = Ideal([
    x^2 + y^2 - z^2,       # base equation
    x*y - N,               # base equation

    z^4 - 4*N^2 - D^2,     # definition of D
    d + z^2 - D,           # definition of d
    2*d*z^2 + d^2 + 4*N^2, # substitution

    # Factorization of a polynomial into its roots.
    (2*x^2 - z^2 - D)*(2*x^2 - z^2 + D),

[x + 1/20478*y^3 + 1/20478*y*d - 1/20478*y*D,
 y^4 + y^2*d - y^2*D + 419348484,
 z^2 + d - D,
 d^2 - 2*d*D - 1677393936]

An interesting polynomial comes out: d² - 2dD - 4N². It has low degree, and doesn’t involve many variables. Because it is so simple, we can try and parameterize it:

A.<d, D> = QQ[]
C = Curve(d^2 - 2*d*D - 4*N^2)
C.rational_parameterization() # This is such a cheat
# I discovered it after going way too far into one of the dead ends and being forced to read sage's documentation for curves
Scheme morphism:
  From: Affine Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
  To:   Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by d^2 - 2*d*D - 1677393936
  Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (t) to
        (3354787872/(-2*t), (-t^2 + 1677393936)/(-2*t))

It’s a hit!


Let’s add this to our list of conditions and see what comes out.

Q.<x, y, z, D, d, t> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order='lex')
I = Ideal([
    x^2 + y^2 - z^2,
    x*y - N,

    z^4 - 4*N^2 - D^2,
    d + z^2 - D,
    2*d*z^2 + d^2 + 4*N^2,

    (2*x^2 - z^2 - D)*(2*x^2 - z^2 + D),

    (-2*t)*d - 8*N^2,
    (-2*t)*D - (-t^2 + 4*N^2),
    # We can't divide by t, else everything gets mapped into the fraction field [whose only non-zero ideal is (1)].
[x + 1/20478*y^3 + 1/40956*y*d - 1/40956*y*t,
 y^4 + 1/2*y^2*d - 1/2*y^2*t + 419348484,
 z^2 + 1/2*d - 1/2*t,
 D - 1/2*d - 1/2*t,
 d*t + 1677393936]

Nothing really new… However, since we know a formula for d and D in terms of t, we can now factorize the polynomial in y.

Q.<t> = FunctionField(QQ)
Q.<y> = Q[]
d = -4*N^2/t
factor(y^4 + 1/2*y^2*d - 1/2*y^2*t + N^2)
(y^2 - 838696968/t) * (y^2 - 1/2*t)

This multiplication basically amounts to a logical or: either y² = 2N²/t or y² = t/2. The next step would be to explore both possibilities and see which yields the solution. But since the original problem is symmetric in x and y, choosing either one of the values will probably change nothing.

Add one of them to our constraints, and Gröbner everything once again!

Q.<x, y, z, D, d, t> = PolynomialRing(QQ, order='lex')
I = Ideal([
    x^2 + y^2 - z^2,
    x*y - N,

    z^4 - 4*N^2 - D^2,
    d + z^2 - D,
    2*d*z^2 + d^2 + 4*N^2,

    (2*x^2 - z^2 - D)*(2*x^2 - z^2 + D),

    (-2*t)*d - 8*N^2,
    (-2*t)*D - (-t^2 + 4*N^2),

    y^2 - t/2,
[x + 1/40956*y*d,
 y^2 - 1/2*t,
 z^2 + 1/2*d - 1/2*t,
 D - 1/2*d - 1/2*t,
 d*t + 1677393936]

grobner bases

Things simplify really well! We can express , , and as functions of t.

Q.<t> = FunctionField(QQ)
d = -4*N^2/t
z2 = t/2 - d/2
y2 = t/2
x2 = y2*d^2/(4*N^2)

print('x2 =', x2)
print('y2 =', y2)
print('z2 =', z2)
x2 = 838696968/t
y2 = 1/2*t
z2 = (1/2*t^2 + 838696968)/t

Rewritten in term of N:

The first two conditions are simple enough. We want 2N²/t and t/2 to be square; it is equivalent to saying that t = 2n² for some rational n.

The equality for now says that we want (4n⁴/2 + 2N²)/(2n²) = (n⁴ + N²)/n² to be square. It is necessary and sufficient to find m such that n⁴ + N² - m² = 0.

Once again, we can change variables to get rid of the fourth power of n: let m = k + n². The equation becomes 2kn² + k² - N² = 0, which we can see as a degree 2 polynomial in n.

Its discriminant is δ² = -8k³ + 8N²k. Now there is something truly interesting: this is nearly the weierstrass form of an elliptic curve! Our last change of variables will be K = -2k, to rewrite δ² = K³ - 4N²K.

Finding a generator of this elliptic curve will give us δ and K, hence k, hence m and n, hence t, hence , , and . It will have been chosen so that the , , and we found are rational squares and verify xy = N.

In other words, we will at long last have finished.

Unfortunately, sage doesn’t manage to find it. But when sage doesn’t work, magma does!

print Generators(E);
[ (40956 : 0 : 1), (0 : 0 : 1), (2949375095449204352182037675175687476264304/10893159238600577313677917228652511841 : 5006896931555584379147668824236445709299600194647862057383800240/35952639365198540562613869494033558726733788804390127889 : 1) ]
true true

We can now decrypt :happy:

K = 2949375095449204352182037675175687476264304/10893159238600577313677917228652511841
δ = 5006896931555584379147668824236445709299600194647862057383800240/35952639365198540562613869494033558726733788804390127889
assert δ^2 == K^3 - 4*N^2*K
k = -K/2                    # definition of K
n = δ/(4*k)                 # definition of δ
m = k + n^2                 # definition of k
assert n^4 + N^2 == m^2
t = 2*n^2                   # definition of n
x2 = 2*N^2/t                # parameterization by t
y2 = t/2                    # parameterization by t
z2 = t/2 + 2*N^2/t          # parameterization by t
assert x2 + y2 == z2
assert x2*y2 == N^2
z = sqrt(z2)
