Writeup by sin-infosec for Revaulting

crypto reverse elliptic curve linux x86/x64

November 22, 2023


Reverse an ELF binary performing ECDSA with a biased nonce generation and recover the private key.


$ file revautling

revaulting: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=669adea6c657d58250907fffbf93b5649a18bf92, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

So the binary is stripped, which won’t make reversing it easier… Let’s run it:

$ ./revaulting
What do you want to do?
  [1] Create user token
  [2] Log in with token
>>> 1
Enter your login:
>>> abcd
Here is your token:
What do you want to do?
  [1] Create user token
  [2] Log in with token
>>> 2
Enter your login:
>>> abcd
Enter your token:
>>> c6uPfXzh0fARXKbTwgl6qjgwY2a/DqgyZU36nlAkNktkL5BnpRKfVIfxNck4NLYdpF3NaSVAUBfFk+GTd9COww==
Welcome back, abcd!
What do you want to do?
  [1] Create user token
  [2] Log in with token

Allright, so we register by giving a login and getting a token back, and then we can login with our token, but that doesn’t seem to change anything. Time to reverse!

Reverse engineering

I won’t go into all the details of the reverse because:

  • this is a crypto challenge

  • I am not great at reversing

  • the reverse was long and tedious

But here is my thought process:

By opening the binary, we realize that these strings are used at the beginning of the main function:


By googling about them, I found out that these are the parameters for the elliptic curve FRP256V1. From the main function (which is the only rather simple to read), The behavior of the binary is the following: if we manage to login as admin, we unlock a new option [3]read flag, but the binary won’t let us generate a token for the admin login. The binary allows us to generate tokens for 32 chosen logins before exiting. The length of the base64 decoded tokens is 512 bits.

From these observation, my first hypothesis was that the binary was performing ECDSA signature using the FRP256V1 elliptic curve, and the token we are getting back is actually the concatenation of $r$ and $s$ (256 bits each because of the curve used) which form the ECDSA signature. Moreover, being allowed to get 32 signatures with the goal to forge an ECDSA signature really looks like the usual setup for biased nonce attack on ECDSA.

I was really lucky to choose to follow this idea, as this drastically enhanced the reverse process.

From the strings in the binary I found out that it was using mbedtls library to perform all the operations on elliptic curve, and by digging into the sub_functions I noticed the constants of the SHA256 algorithm being used.

After this, the tedious part began, with my idea being: “If I can recover the private key for a given set of signatures directly in memory, I can recover the respective nonces of these signatures and try to spot a pattern”.

So I fired up GDB, and started the process of understanding how mbedtls creates an ellitpic curve context, where it is stored, how it calls the different variables from it, and then by elimination which function is applying which operation (that looks nice, but in reality that was just a lot of step calls to inspect memory on every instruction in GDB).

I eventually managed to recover a private key and its 32 corresponding signatures generated for the login abcd, from which I could derive the nonces in this way:

import base64
from hashlib import sha256

p = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B3961ADBCABC8CA6DE8FCF353D86E9C03",16)
a = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B3961ADBCABC8CA6DE8FCF353D86E9C00",16)
b = int("EE353FCA5428A9300D4ABA754A44C00FDFEC0C9AE4B1A1803075ED967B7BB73F",16)
order = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B53DC67E140D2BF941FFDD459C6D655E1",16)
gx = int("B6B3D4C356C139EB31183D4749D423958C27D2DCAF98B70164C97A2DD98F5CFF",16)
gy = int("6142E0F7C8B204911F9271F0F3ECEF8C2701C307E8E4C9E183115A1554062CFB",16)

F = GF(p)
E = EllipticCurve(F,[a,b])
G = E(gx,gy)

d = 0xafb0d1d7cbe11dece3ca90815c3fcfa4af5e74ed406cf19207a0a5440cd01278
P = d * G

h = int(sha256("abcd").hexdigest(),16)

tokens = ["sN+0VW/LJX+xG5X4YHRjYw5bEtO27JOB229dxtTimoFuUkVSC94kolv1WBE/EiKQqiF0ctxSvGBeD37WFvWVWg==","iNJO6Q+Pd07uLCoNBdj/62jlNyO7a7OpnSaW3+OqUqC6DZF4V13xRyjWmRYhS36ymVgst7oTRGqMQu1LVH5Xwg==","hnLvMGlEv9P4Kbi0SjBnBzQLrcNeh5PKexcWlMglvyOWOyrIBis1n2g+5BtfcJ8LlYynIaN3o6ifiWv79I7XPA==","KeuULta8hUJj4s5ep9+HHxIe8TwguV7+qW0H/QCCLKOVHbFnQKF4ok4aD6So9TWW0555zTVeqVwQasW4YWg8LA==","ztu2E/MB2R67MJULEvSk9nL76S01E/ENd29QvWtYzEw4RpE0JeiXIiJr0rnnuOgTE0rnlKY7hcf31R495OArEA==","GO/va9uESZoA4DxkMkl085/QNyEeKab6Nlkdr0Pdo4oHxaU1nel3RG592SNlGOJX8I9rPf9NVh7NSf3QprDG6A==","mp5GqeKtMgqKCVuozpTcbJ9QlBfypbqOR1+8A/hW/Ls6VMIp7eyW/rtlkmkNrcB8Evi66dVk81qMm2kIJ9PefQ==","MRTDmBbm5zsK+oRdHkVo03BskG2kL/tMIbY1jnshKlQydAfZgGejbrMBYbMgv1H6EzsugQyJykhRlTZ2Eo++ZQ==","HDT4ibpvTE0QMWRr1gQhd8lQcrUP67bvVzcGTlyaFN+AamEhO95arlZYc0gh/T0Wh0yRLvCovmARemUcQRxttQ==","grM99oeRdOw9eJnaOEPaLEsdGoAna333z2xPg9PUyh7P/RB8NqBbcCqjANkvsSxKLKkcHHWe/pG80vde1F9Fkw==","qVQtPsuY2p8kN9zfGenNxrnouDzEyLKDvC89WSpEfsg/1GqnPIkW0hCWgJhpRtvAytxHC2/XP1XZ1Qm6j3s0jw==","GEZ2S3EQxY6JDS/lTSNFl2Y0ajU7ucEZvY4NRHqFud0EV3ucsTyIvlnnkuouLxqx6rAW/JjN3qbYu/n138uC2A==","JN9QGHawrhTbLOFSpTpF/WcmRrBTdJnujIEftKDUMStlkO3FhFZ14uZXq5iUrKocZmCfQrFGIEYH6huootu4Sw==","gCn5roUB39n3etK3FjuqqSerUDHnKqSM7tT2X7JZrT9NmgXj/qjR2YDTqlFrxaFpZzRBoGcW+H6r1BM02b+w1w==","DIJ9Ijkdi3S6SpOayuVJM9ineFnpoZFWTKL7og7JxCsNG0cDTcT+V45WhQOOh0oHIkCJ/sltBxrBeq2WjcgSTA==","BeUgCcP1eS4sYq5dKzNeAQLi+4D8fki/nnZFeknAPKe3UataEbd1nBl9K1wKlIIxTBHJ38aL8gj0t8LcP5FaVA==","ObDD0hvWLV2O5EToLqC71IGek9WyAril2H7MHzKY5tVYSXbOBeW1jsjlICAuhWurret9dwQnP4n3uxuc5RudGg==","iP9eeAcRwbeVyphRr8NO7HOd1B7oDl7NiXtnh2tK0SsyFQt2yE5IBqexIbfcgtOchNGYajQBdkWVYWfej8hcOA==","E6vTx+L+4VCy5VuTJ/5bq371FAQaZZWT/jN0AoIqrON6qzYAGPJLFDuxvBA3E+AVpfPnHC+oqyWrtMCTVaSA5A==","4mqE95Z/aF4K2bBIq6+auNLks4Plh68fXt75tnfM+7Gg0kC48uaqgWTmRH0JY+hM7OL40gkoIUGYp0wdX3nh+w==","dgujvhY2xWY1+fouSj5JcongTvF/Zy/PrtXRqAxhPvfuqluGHweYAXPS4W/4sziJXAxgc0USrlVimmKy6oD2Pg==","UBM4S2ecsv95qwqUIJiAPU/t+L/kkIEntewlaH1RlBaabBTikqt6WWsQlOzzWpzrUO0u99VjXS6nFczE6RlwcQ==","m8/tahnzODunTLbnLXWs7jE8jz7t3IKocyH99VTYacG4XjX14dpK+8LEvkkJ+o4hjy9Gs05xY+PF53AYpwqNRw==","FQ4pZDoRcLOiIGZrTnbElxnop8PIIwJ5d6gyUDSYF7a4ohY0cujeeOLwqIoVMQsD9LcoBM/1KTeCspnE63etRA==","b27Ki0aLdXYob2wUrux4pR1JbJNooB9ZyXfRQ3X97BCGVABZunzT03fGtwZ4wYHKtXP0QTkmGV8DohqOM7D9AA==","V7gveSYf1NMHrm9x01RS4Dy7SGcPyZ0LOnQdAGlv3qbHZNnM3u7xpf+70oscZPrqM0ZZtJpN9kijwwKXEkj4Dg==","fIU+R30WxG9dRQpX0IJcxQd4PpDgLt/+Hu1DO2OQABcJGZEbJ9aBqOI390OnMEHmzR2N3YcMXV7beSorBISs7A==","VDbjHigP3VXuQ+/iiHMSriqz6/imSnZ/4+MAu14B2NrhFnCLA43VKpf8qk231Niu/aJ/JoIPi8kglvbfS2p/4A==","G1i3XalV7/DMJ1kAAsPV7Y6wUwthDmDgHmVpGFpJujggZVgRmYidQ5iO7vHPPxTUIe7PGsMeBfZhFclxB87pkA==","62PTDbwOdnEHBU/h7lfMvDOPkjKmR09wVEnWiTW6k6uhznh/cg7C7Of7+eeJ/+vCyqrlS6//nuQeR1fmt1/Eqg==","uuuUxfPum5LneqwywqYercybDRsGku2hCfU7v+/mFJyKpm4/M2RLSYc7y+is24z0tmQZ2H3RMaaCly8ikd97Tg==","wGZlhYC27kh6ENH5Rz1tOZaF+39qIBvjd+Bbx9oWcUGvjtDXs5Aj8sLcatSKBV7U+m5E7mxqwPobwRP3Q3fDGQ=="]

k_values = []
r_values = []
s_values = []

for token in tokens:
	rs = base64.b64decode(token)
	r = bytes_to_long(rs[:32])
	s = bytes_to_long(rs[32:])
	k_inv = (s * inverse_mod(h + r*d,order)) % order
	k = inverse_mod(k_inv,order)

And the output gives:


Notice anything special? I’ll help you out:

('4fdd5d25ceb1e2ea82c936a25d49c066', '4fdd5d25ceb1e2ea82c936a25d49c066')
('19e62d276d73cfcad9da6d431479118f', '19e62d276d73cfcad9da6d431479118f')
('3330ecc32a735295c1b502292fc2d1d9', '3330ecc32a735295c1b502292fc2d1d9')
('813ecd3fd568cc9d765f61fc50e313fe', '813ecd3fd568cc9d765f61fc50e313fe')
('aa8d4e3fa0dd04275989150831ba0ace', 'aa8d4e3fa0dd04275989150831ba0ace')
('a464c5c90bbbe9f365480e62299caacb', 'a464c5c90bbbe9f365480e62299caacb')
('77f5719de6f4d87df6cc101f60ba72de', '77f5719de6f4d87df6cc101f60ba72de')
('6841ff9d572bb1325ce5e91a4db048d1', '6841ff9d572bb1325ce5e91a4db048d1')
('415636788b8bdfb115c28a21dc3b5b2e', '415636788b8bdfb115c28a21dc3b5b2e')
('7a95dfadb093a2e28bb81b4310c13ca0', '7a95dfadb093a2e28bb81b4310c13ca0')
('20add3488de462dadc25cfc6f86fbd07', '20add3488de462dadc25cfc6f86fbd07')
('d8aea9cecea4a78da374eb22a0d07840', 'd8aea9cecea4a78da374eb22a0d07840')
('2750fa553790d4238154410bf7bd8f0d', '2750fa553790d4238154410bf7bd8f0d')
('17c23be1257d1e398d662ae3f87382a2', '17c23be1257d1e398d662ae3f87382a2')
('bec41f2257e378136c76a9ae5418179c', 'bec41f2257e378136c76a9ae5418179c')
('ac6a9014a3316cacdf522e18d634c394', 'ac6a9014a3316cacdf522e18d634c394')
('a1b955b9d21b2a86549d22bd6437029a', 'a1b955b9d21b2a86549d22bd6437029a')
('971cca6f49dd3018fcf7e62f64c36d53', '971cca6f49dd3018fcf7e62f64c36d53')
('d151b3d8854bc299aa7d0a7bf8db4848', 'd151b3d8854bc299aa7d0a7bf8db4848')
('6be41a9afc8c7039e4faf98cb08ab218', '6be41a9afc8c7039e4faf98cb08ab218')
('cbb68416b2f943fe13bd27ba9c17379e', 'cbb68416b2f943fe13bd27ba9c17379e')
('adbc1aba848df1e2570c50560e6a0c07', 'adbc1aba848df1e2570c50560e6a0c07')
('ec1e8c41ad2a0f84fe277ce063eac186', 'ec1e8c41ad2a0f84fe277ce063eac186')
('86ac83ad8394ab6c6153984ecabac6e3', '86ac83ad8394ab6c6153984ecabac6e3')
('512f2569c4cd265e0042d2b458773642', '512f2569c4cd265e0042d2b458773642')
('92a86a1c475354720bbab2831e58f8b9', '92a86a1c475354720bbab2831e58f8b9')
('bd77bb70c660dd343bdaacf63b105a53', 'bd77bb70c660dd343bdaacf63b105a53')
('3a5da0477f757b757cbd4bbdf5bfbb3', '3a5da0477f757b757cbd4bbdf5bfbb3')
('ba4b0dbd0a3152fcb737291816f3b514', 'ba4b0dbd0a3152fcb737291816f3b514')
('b6dff100c4868bec19f86fb5301382b9', 'b6dff100c4868bec19f86fb5301382b9')
('de6845c72c99eeab2d629b9f1109633d', 'de6845c72c99eeab2d629b9f1109633d')
('dd086e95ba55d63a78428c3979154675', 'dd086e95ba55d63a78428c3979154675')

Boom, the 128 MSB of the nonce are always equal to its 128 LSB! So we found a bias in the nonce generation, and that also confirms all our precedent hypothesis :)

Crypto time

We now know that the nonce generation is :

$$k = k_{low}2^{128} + k_{low} $$ where $k_{low}$ represents the 128 SLB of $k$

So instead ofhaving a 256-bit unknown, we only need to recover 128 bits to recover k. So how can we exploit this?

An ECDSA signature is generated as follow (I am not mentioning the edge cases here but you can easily find them online):

  • Pick a random $k$ between $1$ and $n-1$ where $n$ is the order of the generator $G$.

  • Compute $kG = (x,y)$. $r$ is the $x$-coordinate of $kG$ modulo $n$.

  • Compute $s = k^{-1}(H(m) + dr) \mod n$, where $d$ is the private key and $H$ is the hash function used (here SHA256).

  • Return $(r,s)$ as the signature.

But how can we use this and our bias? By using only two signatures, we can write:

$$ \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} dr_1 = k_1s_1 - h_1 \mod n\\ dr_2 = k_2s_2 - h_2 \mod n \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$

$$\begin{aligned} \Rightarrow \quad & dr_1(k_2s_2 - h_2) = dr_2(k_1s_1 - h_1) \mod n\\ \Rightarrow \quad & r_1k_2s_2 - r_1h_2 = r_2k_1s_1 - r_2h_1 \mod n\\ \Rightarrow \quad & r_2s_1k_1 - r_1s_2k_2 + r_1h_2 - r_2h_1 = 0 \mod n\\ \Rightarrow \quad & r_2s_1(2^{128} + 1)k_{1low} - r_1s_2(2^{128} + 1)k_{2low} + r_1h_2 - r_2h_1 = 0 \mod n \end{aligned}$$

Thanks to this reformulating we managed to get rid of the private key $d$ in our equations, and to build a polynomial with two small roots over $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$, these two small roots being $k_{1low}$ and $k_{2low}$, the unkowns we are looking for!

Lastly, finding small integer roots modulo an integer is a common problem that can be tackled by lattice reduction, and was more specifically studied by Coppersmith et al, hence the name of bivariate (we have two unkown variables) Coppersmith method.

A great implementation of Coppersmith multivariate written by defund, can be found at https://github.com/defund/coppersmith.

We could have made the exploit more reliable by plugin in more signatures in our lattice, but as this method works roughly 25% of the time, I didn’t bother…

So putting it all together, we connect to the server, grab two signatures, try to recover the nonce, and if we succeed we recover the private key by computing:

$$d = r_1^{-1}(k_1s_1 - h_1) \mod n $$

All that is left to do after that is generating a signature for the login admin and reading the flag!

Here is my solving script in Sage:


from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
from pwn import *
import base64
from hashlib import sha256

p = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B3961ADBCABC8CA6DE8FCF353D86E9C03",16)
a = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B3961ADBCABC8CA6DE8FCF353D86E9C00",16)
b = int("EE353FCA5428A9300D4ABA754A44C00FDFEC0C9AE4B1A1803075ED967B7BB73F",16)
order = int("F1FD178C0B3AD58F10126DE8CE42435B53DC67E140D2BF941FFDD459C6D655E1",16)
gx = int("B6B3D4C356C139EB31183D4749D423958C27D2DCAF98B70164C97A2DD98F5CFF",16)
gy = int("6142E0F7C8B204911F9271F0F3ECEF8C2701C307E8E4C9E183115A1554062CFB",16)

F = GF(p)
E = EllipticCurve(F,[a,b])
G = E(gx,gy)

h = int(sha256(b"abcd").hexdigest(),16)
r_values = []
s_values = []

o = remote("challenges1.france-cybersecurity-challenge.fr", 6003)

r_values = []
s_values = []

for i in range(2):

	o.recvuntil(">>> ")
	o.recvuntil(">>> ")

	rs = base64.b64decode(o.recvline().strip())
	r = bytes_to_long(rs[:32])
	s = bytes_to_long(rs[32:])

r1 = r_values[0]
r2 = r_values[1]
s1 = s_values[0]
s2 = s_values[1]

bounds = (2^128, 2^128)

R = Integers(order)
P.<k1, k2> = PolynomialRing(R)
f = r2*s1*(2^128 + 1)*k1 - r1*s2*(2^128 + 1)*k2 + h*(r1 - r2)
result = small_roots(f, bounds,m=2,d=4)
k1_low = int(result[0][0])%order
k2_low = int(result[0][1])%order

k1 = (2 ** 128 +1) * k1_low
k2 = (2 ** 128 +1) * k2_low

k1 %= order
k2 %= order

priv_key = (inverse_mod(r1,order) * (k1 * int(s1) - h)) % order

Q = G * int(priv_key)

print("recovered potential private key:",priv_key)

##Making sure it worked and we have the right private key by verifying a signature
u1 = (h * int(inverse_mod(s1,order))) % order
u2 = (r1 * int(inverse_mod(s1,order))) % order
X = u1 * G + u2 * Q
if X[0] == r1:
	print("The private key is the right one. Forging admin token...")
	h_admin = int(sha256(b"admin").hexdigest(),16)
	k_admin = 123456789
	Q = G * k_admin
	r_admin = int(Q[0]) % order
	s_admin = (inverse_mod(k_admin,order)*(h_admin+r_admin*priv_key))%order
	token_admin = base64.b64encode(long_to_bytes(int(r_admin),32) + long_to_bytes(int(s_admin),32))
	o.recvuntil(">>> ")
	o.recvuntil(">>> ")
	o.recvuntil(">>> ")
	o.recvuntil(">>> ")
