FCSC 2023: Virtual Machine

The virtual machine described on this page covers the following five challenges:

These five challenges share two files:

  • machine.py: the Python file evaluating this machine instructions.
  • assembly.py: an assembler described below.


A rough assembler written in Python is provided (assembly.py) to generate the bytecode that will be interpreted. This assembler supports label recognition (string of letters terminated by :) to facilitate code jumps. The comment character is ;.

Virtual machine description

The machine contains 16 registers that can hold numbers as large as required. Registers are numbered from 0 to F. A hexadecimal system is used to designate the registers (e.g. RA instead of R10).

On initialization, the machine expects to receive:

  1. initial values in its input registers. The input registers are R5 to RC.
  2. a sequence of instructions which will be the code interpreted by the machine. This sequence is divided into 16-bit words in an array, with the first word at index 0 of the array.

For RSA Secure Dev challenges, with no guarantee of integrity:

  1. a message will be placed in register R5.
  2. a prime number p will be placed in register R6.
  3. a prime number q will be placed in register R7.
  4. a number iq will be placed in register R8 (iq = q**(-1) mod p).
  5. a number dp will be placed in register R9 (dp = e**(-1) mod (p-1)).
  6. a number dq will be placed in register RA (dq = e**(-1) mod (q-1)).
  7. a number e will be placed in register RB.
  8. a number d will be placed in register RC (d = e**(-1) mod (p-1)(q-1)).

Virtual machine execution

The virtual machine interprets the sequence, starting with the first 16-bit word at address 0 in the sequence.

The virtual machine always sets the program counter (PC) to the next instruction after loading and decoding an instruction. After loading, the instruction is executed, updating the machine’s register values.

Instructions list

Summary table

Family Operation Assembler Updates Action Error
Move Move MOV Rj, op2 - Rj = op2
Load Move from code (1 word) MOVCW Rj - Rj = @Rj
Move from code (Ri words) MOVC Rj, Ri - Rj = @Rj
Logical AND AND Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm & Rn
OR OR Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm | Rn
XOR XOR Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm ^ Rn
Shift right SRL Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm >> Rn
Shift left SLL Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm << Rn
Arithmetic Bit length BTL Rj, Ri - Rj = bit_length(Ri)
Add ADD Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm + Rn
Subtract SUB Ro, Rm, Rn Z C Ro = Rm - Rn
Comparison CMP Rj, Ri Z C Rj - Ri
Multiplication MUL Ro, Rm, Rn Z Ro = Rm * Rn
Division DIV Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = Rm // Rn Rn=0
GCD GCD Ro, Rm, Rn - Ro = gcd(Rm,Rn)
Modular Modular reduction MOD Rj, Ri - Rj = Ri mod RD RD=0
Modular exponentiation POW Rj, Ri - Rj = Ri**RC mod RD RD=0
Modular inversion INV Rj, Ri - Rj = Ri**(-1) mod RD RD=0
Random Random RND Rj - Rj = rand < 2**(8*Rj) Rj=0
Branch (Absolute) Jump if Z set JZA adest - PC = adest if Z=True PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if Z not set JNZA adest - PC = adest if Z=False PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if C set JCA adest - PC = adest if C=True PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if C not set JNCA adest - PC = adest if C=False PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump JA adest - PC = adest PC>=l or PC < 0
Branch (Relative) Jump if Z set JZR rdest - PC += rdest if Z=True PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if Z not set JNZR rdest - PC += rdest if Z=False PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if C set JCR rdest - PC += rdest if C=True PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump if C not set JNCR rdest - PC += rdest if C=False PC>=l or PC < 0
Jump JR rdest - PC += rdest PC>=l or PC < 0
Call (Absolute) Call CA adest - LR = PC, PC = dest PC>=l or PC < 0
Call (Relative) Call CR adest - LR = PC, PC += dest PC>=l or PC < 0
Return Return RET - PC = LR PC>=l or PC < 0
End Stop STP -
Tabular allocate constants .word cst, ... -


Notations :

  • Ri = R[0-9A-F]
  • Rj = R[0-9A-F]
  • Rm = R[0-7]
  • Rn = R[0-7]
  • Ro = R[0-7]
  • op2 = Ri, #[0-9]+, #0x[0-9a-fA-F]+, =[a-zA-Z]\w+
  • rdest = Ri, [a-zA-Z]\w+, \+[0-9]+, -[0-9]+
  • adest = Ri, [a-zA-Z]\w+, #[0-9]+, #0x[0-9a-fA-F]+
  • cst = [0-9]+, 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+
  • l designates the number of words (16 bits) in the code

After a # the number must be able to be represented on 16 bits. After a + the number must be able to be represented on 7 bits. After a -, the number x must respect: 0 < x <= 128 If rdest = Ri, then the 8th bit is signed (-128 instead of 128).

Special registers:

  • RC is used as exponent
  • RD is used as modulo
  • RE is used as Link Register
  • RF is used as Program Counter

Instruction détails

MOV Rj, op2

Rj = op2

MOV Rj, =label

Rj = label

AND Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm & Rn

OR Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm | Rn

XOR Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm ^ Rn

SRL Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm >> Rn

SLL Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm << Rn

BTL Rj, Ri

Rj = bit_len(Ri)

ADD Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm + Rn

SUB Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm - Rn

Updates two Booleans Z and C:

  • Z = True if Rm == Rn, else Z = False
  • C = False if Rm< Rn, else C = True

MUL Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm*Rn

Updates one Boolean Z:

  • Z = True if Rm == 0 ou Rn == 0, else Z = False

DIV Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = Rm//Rn = quotient(Rm,Rn)

If Rn == 0, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

MOD Rj, Ri

Rj = Ri mod module

If module == 0, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

POW Rj, Ri

Rj = Ri**exponent mod modulo

If module == 0, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

GCD Ro, Rm, Rn

Ro = gcd(Rm,Rn)

INV Rj, Ri

Rj = Ri**(-1) mod module

If module == 0, an error will be raised (and program will stop).


Rj = random of Rj bytes

If Rj == 0, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

CMP Rj, Ri

Updates 2 Booleans Z and C :

  • Z = True if Rj == Ri, else Z = False
  • C = False if Rj< Ri, else C = True


Rj = @Rj

Read 1 word (2 bytes) from address Rj. The word at address Rj is the most significant word of the considered value.


Rj = @Rj

Ri indicates the amount of words to read from address Rj. The word at address Rj is the most significant word of the considered value.

JZA adest

PC = adest if Z = True

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JNZA adest

PC = adest if Z = False

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JZR rdest

PC += rdest if Z = True

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JNZR rdest

PC += rdest if Z = False

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JCA adest

PC = adest if C = True

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JNCA adest

PC = adest if C = False

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JCR rdest

PC += rdest if C = True

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JNCR rdest

PC += rdest if C = False

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JA adest

PC = adest

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

JR rdest

PC += rdest

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

CA adest

LR = return address (PC)
PC = adest

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).

CR rdest

LR = return address (PC)
PC += rdest

If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).



If PC overflow code size or is negative, an error will be raised (and program will stop).


Program end