This machine allows to manage a remote server by SSH using key authentication (the key is password-protected).
The public key has been used to encrypt the attached message (flag.txt.enc
Recover the key in the memory dump that will allow to decrypt this message.
This challenge has been split into seven parts:
- Académie de l’investigation - C’est la rentrée.
- Académie de l’investigation - Administration.
- Académie de l’investigation - Premiers artéfacts.
- Académie de l’investigation - Porte dérobée.
- Académie de l’investigation - Rédaction.
- Académie de l’investigation - Partage.
- Académie de l’investigation - Dans les nuages.
155.40 MiB – a6b98f7b21cdc81ed319ff158bf4e56d885546fd1f98e860ef622066b0951fff -
256 B – fcef2ac103bf856a579bf1b8ccdc12f9e1f12991c2b33e92a1f8867990463a5d

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