Gaston works in a public administration. He spends his time processing various letters. He finds that his job is not paid at its fair value: it has been more than 10 years that he did not have a single bonus while he only takes three naps a day! To top it all off, among all the letters he has processed over the years, he has seen more than 500 bonus notifications for his colleagues!
Unfortunately, all these notifications are signed with an innovative method invented by the HR departement. Only this departement has the private key to sign.
Gaston wrote his ideal bonus letter. If there were a way to add HR’s digital signature to it, he would slip his notification in with the others, and would receive his bonus!
It looks like there’s a leak in the signature method. Gaston is counting on you to help him find the signing key used by the HR departement.
3.31 KiB – c5835eb0d69526e517b6b2897b96adb29d437d49026015226d101b3110d3ff33 -
6.54 MiB – a4b7119c3ca819d35fa6359bfd9c89dbde74dc182222bc8eaacd1a55a4fb5519

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