In this challenge, you have to decipher an encrypted message using the method invented by Blaise de Vigénère.
The key is FCSC
and the encrypted message is:
Mgdnt fwcw cygsv! Qqzt fgcv ekxuaqs, kx atw sehghv nv gh
hqmtxg, okqn tg yq apkkdvwclg yjw wsfwtltgwsf fgyygtp
yzgwg gww gfgrkwu ftw jnfapl. Uwg dqm ks Pspygk qs
Chtnn 29lj kqj vmg tglkfpnpy qk agww oauxkgp.
The flag is the name of the city mentioned in this message.
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