Writeup by JMLF for Babel Web

intro web

December 25, 2023

First of all, get and run the Docker file:

This will set-up and run a small web server on your device. You can now load in your navigator the server’s adress: http://localhost:8000.

There is a message.

Bienvenue à Babel Web!
La page est en cours de développement, merci de revenir plus tard.

By inspecting the elements, you notice an html link commented <!-- <a href="?source=1">source</a> --> Uncomment this line by removing the <!-- -->.

A link appear on the web page: La page est en cours de développement, merci de revenir plus tard. source Click on ‘source’.

Your uri is now http://localhost:8000/?source=1, and a PHP code is visible:

    if (isset($_GET['source'])) {
    }  else if(isset($_GET['code'])) {
    } else {

This PHP code snippet is designed to perform different actions based on the query parameters present in the URI. If the URL contains a ‘source’ query parameter (like ?source=something), it will execute the @show_source(__FILE__); If a code parameter is set in the URL (like ?code=command), it uses the system() function to execute an external program or command.

Beautiful RCE.

You can try : http://localhost:8000/?code=ls. Which will execut the ls command on the server and dispaly the outputs in the <pre> divs.


The flag is here, you can either read the flag fil using the /?code RCE or using /?source.

The link http://localhost:8000/?code=tail%20flag.php using the tail command (or cat) will output :

	$flag = "FCSC{5d969396bb5592634b31d4f0846d945e4befbb8c470b055ef35c0ac090b9b8b7}";