Our development team has worked tirelessly to ensure that your experience is not only entertaining but also secure. We are convinced that now no vulnerability will be able to compromise your data.
Note: Due to the way Burp Suite handles responses, it might be wise to directly use sockets for this challenge. Additionally, because of the configuration of the remote infrastructure, only use a single IP address for output, otherwise your exploitation may not work.
- docker-compose.yml
4.56 KiB – 096dcc0f0337ca0e6493b74fe3718044193df729fa121c2b9b512345e6334b46

Challenge Instructions
- First, download docker-compose.yml:
curl -o docker-compose.yml
- Launch the challenge by executing in the same folder:
docker compose up
- Access the challenge at http://localhost:8000/.
In case you encounter problems, please consult the FAQ.
Submit your solution
You can submit your writeup for this challenge. Read the FAQ to learn how to proceed.
You need to be logged in to submit a writeup.