TV Hacks 2/2

reverse linux FCSC 2024 solved on

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Important: The two stages of the TV Hacks series must be completed in order. We strongly advise you not to attempt this test until you have completed the first stage.

Thank you for this first analysis done in TV Hacks 1/2 !

Given the criticity of the streaming equipment, the firewall rules are very stringent. Except the NTP protocol, no packet is sent on Internet directly. However, the video stream created by the equipment is forwarded to our broadcasting service provider and, the bandwidth being too big, we can’t save these datas.

Thankfully, a friend of you, huge fan of TV Hacks, was recording the current broadcast while the attack was ongoing. He sent you a video extract which will let you go further.

In addition, the provider of the streaming solution was able to provide us with the source code of the kernel module developed by the service provider. This could facilitate your analysis, even if we have ruled out a supply chain attack.

Credits :

  • Sprite Fright : (CC) Blender Foundation |
  • Sprite Fright french version : (CC-BY) Touhoppai |


  • ipopt.ko
    29.89 KiB – fcfa4f3b16001e8c79076ad5cfdb3ebe5201587e9c406235218c5aa41b62e210
  • ipopt.tar.gz
    8.79 KiB – 0c8b78337641b9c2d323508c43fa54bf4d4c304d6213ce8141371d9fadb43855
  • capture.pcap
    696 B – 1ca1232dc8d422b42691bd07095b6850f4ace00f4e46f3617684e4f7b5f8bd4f
  • capture.ts
    47.74 MiB – eddf252abeb9ac809fde520fa63c392eade4832e9e8e30e2db8736df0a663dda




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