Malware 3/3

reverse linux x86/x64 FCSC 2021 solved on

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This challenge has been split into three independent steps, but the logical order is as follows: forensics (1) -> pwn (2) -> reverse (3).

*/!\ Warning: the program can actually cause some harm to your system /!*

Phew! You have managed to recover the malware, connect to the attacker’s server and recover the private key (file key.priv attached) used to encrypt your precious flag.

The key.priv file was originally named: 0fdb0eea57198b3bb69e8267690ede5d5ba95ab791638a610372120b773d4acc_2021-03-15|21:34:41.priv.

Decrypt the flag.txt file to get the flag.


  • malware
    26.62 KiB – d63087cb4ad44b1bf07646e195e8bc2997ab0dea6119f0ef6c70ddcc51dc7f11
  • flag.txt
    512 B – 14474b163650c1e940ae9612e29c4a8a5012f1ee1d31c6262f84e657680568b8
  • key.priv
    3.25 KiB – 55a4f14531fbc38349687d1a8fb13faa55a52bb8cff5bb23576ca72c595af37f




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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