
intro pwn x86/x64 FCSC 2020 solved on


You need to read the file flag.txt on the remote system.


Challenge Instructions

  1. First, download docker-compose.yml:
    curl https://hackropole.fr/challenges/fcsc2020-pwn-poney/docker-compose.public.yml -o docker-compose.yml
  2. Launch the challenge by executing in the same folder:
    docker compose up
  3. Then, in another console, access the challenge with Netcat:
    nc localhost 4000
⚠️ Important: You must solve the challenge by interacting with the Docker container through the exposed network port. Any other way is not considered valid.

In case you encounter problems, please consult the FAQ.


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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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