
misc industrial protocol FCSC 2024 solved on

star star star


A lighting engineer challenges you to reconstruct an animation from a show stored on their DMX recorder. They inform you that this time they are using motorized projectors (example: https://youtu.be/N-eTCKjO9xc) to draw symbols on a canvas on the floor.

You then make a network capture (capture.pcap) by connecting to their recorder via Ethernet.

To help you, she gives you an extract from the documentation of a projector (projector.pdf) and a diagram of their scene:

=================================== Top view ===================================

            ._____.     ._____.     ._____.     ._____.
            | 001 |     | 009 |     | 017 |     | 025 |  ---
            |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|   |
                                                          | 0.67m
            ._____.     ._____.     ._____.     ._____.   |
            | 033 |     | 041 |     | 049 |     | 057 |  _|_
            |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|

            ._____.     ._____.     ._____.     ._____.
            | 065 |     | 073 |     | 081 |     | 089 |
            |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|

            ._____.     ._____.     ._____.     ._____.
            | 097 |     | 105 |     | 113 |     | 121 |
            |_____|     |_____|     |_____|     |_____|

================================== Front view ==================================

(stage left)                                           (stage right)
            ._____.     ._____.     ._____.     ._____.
            |_097_|     |_105_|     |_113_|     |_121_|
            |/   \|     |/   \|     |/   \|     |/   \|  ___
             \_O_/       \_O_/       \_O_/       \_O_/    |
                                                          | Height: 2.8m
          Spot size: ~16°                                 |
_______| praticable                                              |________

Are you up to the challenge?


  • 10 seconds after the start of the animation, the spotlights draw the letter “F” on the ground.
  • “Spot size: ~16°” is the angle of the cone projected by the light.
  • All projectors are the same model, with same orientation. They are only translated one from the other.
  • We highly advice against recoding a 3D engine.
  • The network capture also contains an RTP audio stream that is not part of the challenge. This audio allows you to enjoy the animation more fully once it has been reconstituted.

An easier variant of this challenge is available here: Illuminated.


  • capture.pcap
    3.36 MiB – 0b0666e68a1eafd32d787984a8a14632d94c60e0504f251bc4356450533c8d65
  • projector.pdf
    27.05 KiB – fd1894568763173d3749251e5ef8ae4bb74959d4bd5eed79e4435fc9f75e75ef




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