
hardware crypto solved on

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As you wander around your favorite conference, you notice a small device with a screen on the ANSSI stand. This device has two push-buttons: one to go to the next screen and one to increment a value on the PIN-code screen.

You take some photos of the screen as you press the first button.

Can you find the PIN code to unlock the device?

*Note: This challenge was available in person at leHACK 2024. We are offering a updated version for online solving. The final flag is the 4-digit PIN code.

First screen: QRCode

First screen: QRCode

Second screen: emojis

Second screen: emojis

Third screen: emojis

Third screen: emojis

Fourth to sixth screen: PIN-code input

Fourth to sixth screen: PIN-code input

Last screen: “Bad PIN” message

Last screen: “Bad PIN” message




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