
hardware fault attacks FCSC 2024 solved on

star star


You have an embedded system for decrypting and signing messages using RSA. The private key used is securely stored in this system and is deemed impossible to extract or clone. Unfortunately, following a misadventure, you have damaged it and can now only sign a fixed message.

Your mission, should you accept it, is to extract the RSA private key from this embedded card, then to use it to decrypt the flag. To do this, we provide you with an electromagnetic fault injection bench (EMFI). This fault injection bench is equipped with an electromagnetic fault injector placed on a 2D motorized axis.

To help you, we’re providing you with the same embedded system, but with the code replaced by:

LDR r4, =0xCAFECAFE     ; loads 0xCAFECAFE into register r4
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
; [...] 1000x
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
ORR R4, R4              ; r4 <- r4 OU r4
J print_r4              ; displays r4, r4 should equal 0xCAFECAFE

We invite you to use this second card to practice.

Connect to the server to begin your adventure.

Experimental bench



Challenge Instructions

  1. First, download docker-compose.yml:
    curl -o docker-compose.yml
  2. Launch the challenge by executing in the same folder:
    docker compose up
  3. Then, in another console, access the challenge with Netcat:
    nc localhost 4000
⚠️ Important: You must solve the challenge by interacting with the Docker container through the exposed network port. Any other way is not considered valid.

In case you encounter problems, please consult the FAQ.


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There are no public solutions for this challenge yet, but you can submit yours after getting the flag.