intro hardware radio FCSC 2024 solved on


The Fourier transform is used to represent a time signal in the frequency domain: with this tool, it is possible to know, for a radio capture, which frequencies are active in the captured frequency band.

This is a perfectly reversible operation: you can perform the reverse operation without losing any information.

Here, there’s no need to perform a Fourier analysis: simply use a Fourier transform of size 64 on the data array contained in the fftea file, and the result will contain the flag. The file generation code is given.

Note: The input file format is a sequence of 64-bit complex numbers (a 32-bit floating-point number for the real and imaginary parts). The contents of the array can be read in Python using the fromfile function in the numpy package: data = numpy.fromfile("fftea", dtype=numpy.complex64).

Baby Yoda, Mandalorian


  • fftea
    512 B – 8462002efc548f92c9523d2c886cc8b056d1660f74984a4f85353193a82b61d5
  • craft_signal.py
    279 B – 8afb4d7ad4f4d980a01f60b118c55e89744471a2b5d292627baac4806f170281




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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