Seven Sins

intro hardware circuit FCSC 2022 solved on


You are given a 7-segment display connected to inputs that you control, numbered from Bit 0 to Bit 8 as shown in the image 7segments.png. You need to provide the 8 sequences of 9 bits providing the sequential output shown in the image fcsc2022.png.

Note: the flag is FCSC{XXX}, where XXX is the sequence of bits found (so a sequence of characters ‘0’ and ‘1’).

Example: the flag for the sequence 789 would be FCSC{011100100111111111101101110}.


  • 7segments.png
    5.43 KiB – 7ec32fe1760152aade876bd5bfcde7106ed7418248ce661e168042d6a9ec3507
  • fcsc2022.png
    6.49 KiB – 4030d3aa7ef6a6dd1a827922b36d162225abe484fab8cdf17d76819d46161638




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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