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hardware radio FCSC 2022 solved on

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In your new lab, you find a microwave named Louis and a coffee maker named Rachel that both seem to be quite nice. According to the lab employees, they are able to emit when they are done. Upon closer inspection, you notice that they have temperature sensors attached to them. The labels of these sensors contain terms that you do not understand, including a mention related to a frequency, LoRa: 433.242 MHz. You take out your usual signal capture tools, and extract a file with a capture frequency of 1 MHz.

The sensors do not look new and their appearance makes you think that some of the data has been corrupted, but the veteran of the lab assures you that it auto-corrects itself and that the message is perfectly understandable.


  • obj_conn.iq.7z
    2.16 MiB – c20d7db0e525a532bce4f5e3e6ab57091847ffca6f05fc6bba65959182985c51




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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