Son Pour Analyse

hardware side channel attacks FCSC 2021 solved on

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An embedded equipment, a tablet, includes a mechanism to exchange data securely with a data server.

To authenticate the data sent by this tablet, a signature is appended to each file sent. The signature is calculated as follows:


which can for instance be implemented this way in Python:

import hashlib
f = open('public/ANSSI_ref.png','rb')
raw = bytearray(
m = hashlib.sha256(raw).digest()
m = int.from_bytes(m, byteorder='big', signed=False)
signature = pow_crt(m, d, p, q)

The signature for the reference image ANSSI_ref.png would therefore be:


that could easily be verified using the RSA public key:

e = 65537
n = 114181065031786564590139505995090932681603488058093695383755920020714540043378009781380110655253006728353171921382633045444731450267353184468441566668432893992049978192406103162591416659000523363797206479008373775089128981682147631692898693610665109453356689955829711356078688003770094519986009441791800904261

One of our side channel intern discovered a strange behaviour concerning the implementation of RSA-CRT on this tablet: despite the usage of classical side channel attack countermeasures to prevent timing attacks and simple power analysis (SPA), it seems that sensitive information leaks in the audible spectrum! The countermeasure used is the Montgomery method: it consists in the use of a modular exponentiation which does not show any difference in calculation between the different bits of the RSA secret exponents dp and dq.

def montgomery(a, e, n):
    exp = map(int, f"{e:b}")
    out = [1, a]
    for i in exp:
        out[1 - i] = (out[0] * out[1]) % n
        out[i] = (out[i] ** 2) % n
    return out[0]

However, this apprentice who has perfect pitch, noticed a slight sound difference. To do this, she slowed down the computing speed of the tablet to the minimum and recorded the sounds made by the tablet while computing a cryptographic signature. As she did, can you find the RSA secrets using this recording?

Prove it by calculating the SHA256 of the signature of the audio file containing the recording you just analyzed. The flag can be calculated as follows:

import hashlib
f = open('public/RSA.wav', 'rb')
raw = bytearray(
m = hashlib.sha256(raw).digest()
m = int.from_bytes(m, byteorder = 'big', signed = False)
sig = pow(m, d, n)
flag = hashlib.sha256(sig.to_bytes(128, byteorder = "big")).digest()


  • ANSSI_ref.png
    241.62 KiB – 9bb8cd76365a5fbca814c6a0817752bd6337bd892f70b6b09f6147a398fec6ed
  • RSA.wav
    5.29 MiB – 53e2d4d94c963e7f9fa546dc4117ff386c9390998ac2a78dbf59e506e311e219




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