Un contrôleur sCANdALeux

hardware radio FCSC 2020 solved on

star star


You have recently purchased a universal controller to open your door automatically. However, when you use it, all the automatic doors in the neighbouring houses open at the same time. To solve this mystery, you decide to capture the signal from your controller.

You take out your favorite software radio and capture the signal emitted at 434MHz, with a sampling rate of 1MHz.

Note 1: To open this file with numpy, you need to use complex64: numpy.fromfile(<filename>, dtype = numpy.complex64). To use GNURadio, you need to use the block File Source and the complex format. Note 2: To start the analysis, you can first use the flowgraph provided with GNU Radio.


  • open-the-door.iq
    5.01 MiB – 98fec9ecbd9bf6e4d59b71b142f9ef9335ee84186490e1f4082e920198b23a10
  • gr_waterfall_tuto.png
    19.40 KiB – f279dc50766ef059ca0e7e0b3ad5fe3553e6810973df9b04197f2c56baca8615




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