SOC Simulator 3/5 - Exfiltration

forensics logs FCSC 2024 solved on

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During the summer of 2022, an operator of vital importance (OIV) alerts the ANSSI because it believes it is the victim of a major cyber attack. The OIV’s security operation center (SOC) sends an export of its system collection over the last few days. Your job is to understand the attacker’s actions.

Note: The 5 parts are numbered in the chronological order of the attack, but it is not necessary to solve them in order.

Following on from what we have seen above, the attacker has collected a large amount of business data. Find the command used to collect this data.

Flag format: FCSC{sha256(<UTF8 command without line feed>)}

For example if the malicious command was 7z a "Stolen" C:\Windows\System32, the flag would be FCSC{91c79bc2fcb72bdc8ebf68a1f4d53d37e7b3933762b80278bdf6db14319c9948}

This challenge has been split into five parts:


    481.70 MiB – b276816ec987a8c2874cb2f3ca18a70bf0857dcbe4d766d07dbf7bd256890084




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