
forensics disk network android FCSC 2022 solved on

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The GoodCorp‘CEO is furious: she is convinced that her phone is not backdoored by one but by two malicious actors, the second one being much more involved than the first. Knowing she is being targeted, she uses a physical keyboard connected to her phone via USB when typing her biggest secrets… Despite these precautions, she is convinced that her phone is compromised to the lowest level, and asks for your help to prove it.

Once again, you decide to emulate the phone completely, in order to investigate further. You also take the capture of a previous analysis, in case you missed something.

**Note: The Authenticator application is not part of the challenge.

This challenge has been split into three parts:


  • capture.cap
    65.88 MiB – 7b63c22567098f829dfdc190b6f531bbdf23a23e222508752a0a5e5dfa28259c
  • android.zip
    1.80 GiB – 8fb8c44e130413d49370868ac720b4cd780aa19e636a3dad293d9e6a9d0a25d2
  • emulator-howto.pdf
    50.91 KiB – 92305baa9ca7190f4e565c3f627336413efdc10d2c123a39a729aa3c769837e1




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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