Midas Touch

hardware communication bus FCSC 2024 solved on

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The company in the Soupe MISO challenge has heard about a leak of its secrets displayed on the control screen. Undeterred, they have decided to implement access control in the control room to enforce PIN-based identification before sending the commands.

To achieve this, they added a capacitive touch screen of type FT6206 on top of the ILI9341 to prompt the entry of the PIN on a virtual PINpad (displayed on the TFT screen with a randomized layout for maximum security). Through leaked specifications, you discover that the library https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_FT6206_Library is used to manage the touch screen. You also know that the PIN entry is confirmed with an “OK”.

As before, you have access to the wires connecting the board controlling the ILI9341 and the FT6206, but this time, there is a color distinction between the wires, allowing you to have two separate captures with two logic analyzers. Can you uncover the secret PIN to continue accessing the company’s secrets?

Note : the flag format is FCSC{PIN} where PIN is the secret PIN.


  • midas-touch.tar.gz
    6.19 MiB – 9a142b417b50a4e7de1ac78c83322dd70009181e76c0540500536a9a0c8d1c46




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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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