
crypto post-quantum FCSC 2022 solved on

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Our crew of intergalactic rebels is counting on you! Until now, our organization had a secret quantum computer capable of bypassing the cryptographic protections used by the enemy. This allowed us to tamper with our hyperspace travel authorizations.

Unfortunately, the hyperspace travel regulators became suspicious and developed a new authorization method, called “millenium”. This one resists our quantum computer. It is a disaster! All our teams are grounded until further notice.

There is still a new hope, the new signature method has been highly optimized to be efficient and seems to have a parallelepiped anomaly. We need you to find the private key to regain control of the intergalactic network. We have isolated the part we think is vulnerable in the file, no need to examine the secure_code folder. Besides, we managed to get our hands on 300000 signatures and the associated public key, which should be enough to find the enemy’s secret key and sign a travel authorization for one of our ships.




Challenge Instructions

  1. First, download docker-compose.yml:
    curl -o docker-compose.yml
  2. Launch the challenge by executing in the same folder:
    docker compose up
  3. Then, in another console, access the challenge with Netcat:
    nc localhost 4000
⚠️ Important: You must solve the challenge by interacting with the Docker container through the exposed network port. Any other way is not considered valid.

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I've been looking for a long time and I still can't find the flag!

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